Camten discovered the world of Hwy 35 in the Hot Wheels collection and has been watching the videos over and over and sneaking his brother's Hwy 35 cars when they're at school. If you know Camten, you know it's really hard for him to give them back, too. He wraps his little fingers around a Hot Wheels car and it's not easily pryed out. But Mom had a great idea! I checked on ebay and found some opened Hwy 35 cars up for bid! I didn't know how they would be a hot bid item otherwise I wouldn't have printed out a copy for Camten to carry around before they arrived... yes, I spent too much on little cars. But what was I to say to that beautiful face?! Next time I'll keep my ideas a secret until I know I can afford it!!
Trinity is rarely clean and huggable - she's often sweet and sticky and huggable just like her beloved bear! but this is one of those squeaky clean moments that friends and relatives never see, since I give her a bath before bed. So I got a picture to share the joy. :-) Just, we don't recomend that anyone else hold Bear. At least, not until I can sneak him away for a thorough washing!!
Camten's showing his stash of cars. It looks like a lot to me, and I hope you'll agree, because around here his stash is very small and beginner-looking. Shad assures me he has many more cars. Camten is picking out his favorites - see how a Hot Wheels fits in his hand? It's a little harder to love 6 at the same time, but he's practicing.
Aidan has boundless energy and boundless imagination to match. He is often moving quickly, running or spinning, and always with a descriptive story to match. After multiple "look at how my wheel's in the air, Mom" I try and get a verbal-only play by play for all the Monster Truck rallies. Here I believe we are looking at a Cyclone - or a "donut" for Dad.
One of our favorite Aidan imaginations is the Scorpian car with pincers and tail. Ever since Jon and Angie gave Aidan a bug book with cool pictures and poster and glow-in-the-dark bugs (which are his treasured pets), Aidan is fascinated with bugs. The Scorpian looks the scariest, so it's his favorite.
We also like the various speaker trucks and cars that Aidan comes up with. He loves speakers and especially big ones that bounce to the music. A shopping trip to Walmart, for example, is a good trip according to Aidan, if we can pause at the car speaker section for a moment. It inspires him for the whole day!
Shad is the nicest, kindest big brother around. I caught him enjoying a quiet moment all to himself - very rare, but highly enjoyed. He is usually the one to make peace between everyone and include them in his complicated plays. His favorites are cars, of course, Monster trucks, which are permanently set up right now, or adding tracks or tinker toys to the same theme. He can make a cool tinker toy car and jump it on his big, red jump (in the background there) so that it falls to pieces to Shad's complete delight. All the parts flying is really cool, I guess. They try to shoot their cars through the ladder rungs on the bunk or off the steps in the living room - whatever results in a good crash.

SMILE!! Nana comes to play and then Dad and Mom suddenly take off - what's up with that?! Trinity's new thing is to sit on people's laps... indefinitely. It's very cute initially. She loves to be held and carried everywhere. Her little face showed complete shock when I didn't immediately answer her upward arms request - she firmly believes everyone wants to carry her all the time. Even at church I'm hearing she likes to spend most of the playtime on someone's lap. Anyone want to arm wrestle me?!