Friday, September 28, 2007

"The 'Last Clear Sky', Oregonians." Well, that's what all the newscasters said, anyway, so I got a picture to remember, and besides some thunder storms and hail, we've had quite a bit of blue sky, actually. Were they trying to depress us prematurely?! Well, I lit some candles and feel quite cozy, so bring on a little shower or two... what's the big deal? (NOW it'll rain relentlessly, right? yikes!)
Daily Stuff at our House...

Science Projects! Shad made a "Machine" that sorts light and heavy marbles and Aidan made a Mailbox!

Camten and Trinity are painting... on a different day, of course. (I'm not crazy!!!)

Dad's projects.

Daddy found a Go-Kart with a motor in it!!!!! It's our favorite new thing-a-me-bob. It's not very big, so Mom got to do the first couple test runs up the road and down the field. I thought I was gonna end up in the ditch for sure! That thing can FLY! But sometimes we gotta push it a little to get going up the hill... after 10 trips pushing my kids up the hill and then running back down as fast as I could to catch them before they drove too far, I was ready to park it temporarily.

So... this is our Favorite thing to play with as soon as Dad and Mom feels like some exercise again!

Milaukie House Build... they go up so fast! See that big, bay window on the second floor? That's the Master Bedroom with a view of trees towards the Willamette! Oh, yea. With a walk-in closet and private bath! (Why do we build houses I want to move into?!)

First day of school. Shad's in 3rd grade, and Aidan's in 1st. Eche las ganas, boys!

This did NOT happen at MY house!!!!! (well, actually, it did.)

I really pride myself in closesly monitoring my kids. I have a fast road outside and I need to know where each one is at each moment. I don't where ear buds or play music too loudly so I can always hear them. If I'm on the phone and distracted, I'll actually follow them around the house, so I don't lose track. The few instances I HAVE lost somebody, for example, I've started the hunt within 10 mins. or less. Period. (And that goes for visiting kids, too!!)
The one exception is bed time. I set up a "safe" enviroment where minimal danger is present... like Trinity sleeps in a Nest in the middle of her big, double bed AND we removed the blinds from the window because of so many injuries w/ blind strings (on the news). I'll hear her get up and play in there sometimes, but she loves to arrange her baby dolls after turning off her fan, so I pay light attention only.

Deep breath.

So, imagine my surprise when my little girl comes out with a tiny curtsey and twirly showing off her beeeYUUUUtiful face and clothes covered in DESITON! I couldn't even push her towards the bathroom without getting it all over my hands! (Oh, man, I hope that stuff just washes out in the laundry! I threw them in with the current load! But that's a bunny trail.) As soon as I got her in the bath, smiling prettily and still proud of herself, I dared to check out the damage...

...Desiton was everywhere in her room and the drawer she found it in. There was a great, big smear on the floor where she painted, plops on the covers and dresser, Poodle Purse was covered, the nob on her fan and the door out, which I discovered when I grabbed it.

I went for paper towels.

Trinity is still extra pale. I soaped her thoroughly all over a couple of times - a few white streaks were in her pretty curls. Her face was "beautified" the mostest. I think she had gotten the idea at a friends' house earlier who had pretend lipstick in a pretend purse, and obviously I had underestimated the girly desire to beautify herself!