Saturday, January 17, 2009

Countdown to Maaco cont...

5... Boss's office is ready...

4... Final clean-up complete...

3... we passed the Final Inspection ... BOOM! We are OPEN! Let the cars in! Turn on the "open" sign! WE ARE GOOD TO GO!!!!!!

Most Memorable Christmas EVER!

It was the SNOW! and the kids' excitement...

and the power-outages including the cold all-nighter!

We've never had a Christmas like '08 for piles of snow - my childhood dream come true! come to find out I like electricity a lot, too. We enjoy our memories now, tho, as long as they stay memories... of roasting marshmellos in the little fire trying to warm out the house and playing with the snow and ice like the igloo at uncle Jon's. All the basement treasures from Grandpa were memorable, too. I am thrilled with my '84 Tupperware set!! BEAT THAT for Christmas!!!!

Countdown to Opening the Maaco...

10... the office is set up, the blue files ready for Repair Orders, the computers in place...

9...we have the storage room ready for paint...
8... unloaded boxes cleaned up, garbage thrown out...
7... paint/bake booth works!!!

6... one last ride on the zip ladder...

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Our A-Bear is precious... creative, funny, opinionated, fearless and really, really smart. Sometimes I wonder how many times he's gotten his way and I didn't even see it happen! You've heard the story of when I told all four kids to pick out a book for Momma to buy them and Aidan talked Camten into getting one of the two he "needed" as his choice? He's always negotiating for his siblings all kinds of things on all kinds of levels, from an extra candy cane to the necessity of a second Webkins. None of our boys wanted a stuffed animal until Aidan's Porky had babies. I adopted one of the invisible little things and had to keep track of it for days.

Aidan was excited about his birthday, December 20th. He tells everyone he gets MORE presents because his birthday's so close to Christmas. He usually has more visitors, too, and the house is so decorated, it's really fun! This year a snowstorm came on the morning of the 20th and it snowed hard all day long like I've never seen in Oregon. We played in it a little, but it was so blustery and well below freezing, we were mostly stuck inside and had to eat his cake and ice cream all by ourselves! (Everyone made up for it later, which he was careful to make sure of without making a big deal about it.) Of course, that was the beginning of the "Arctic Blast" that brought even more snow adventures later.

Aidan is the proud owner of a cool, blue LED flashlight that Dad has tried repeatedly to trade for. He loves glow-in-the-dark stuff. When he gets some spending money, he is very careful to buy as many things as he can with it. (He's not too good a saver.) He takes great care of Porky, the Porkupine and his high-tech stuff. He doesn't care about clothes at all and I caught him out in the snow in shorts more than once.
His favorite food is peanut butter and jelly toast with the crusts cut off or a hot dog bun with peanut butter and ketchup. He eats tortillas, too, and chicken nuggets and picked chocolate for his cake flavor. His favorite ice cream is chocolate peanut butter, of course.
His favorite color is blue.
His favorite animal is a scorpian and he hopes to collect them in the future and maybe even decorate his room all scorpian (not!) He has designed a scorpian monster truck.
He reminds everyone to pray every night and asks God for NO dreams at all EVER. He is quick to hug, quick to jump to anyone's rescue even to the point of attacking little girls who are being mean. He's very sensitive to kids around him and their feelings and prefers a good sword fight over video games.
He can put together the most complicated Legos or K'nex project following the directions meticulously.

Family Business, by The Kids

We have talked a lot about what each of our jobs is at the Maaco. Dad, we realize, is in charge of... everything. He'll have to open the shop and close it and make sure everyone does what they're supposed to. We're used to getting involved in his business, though, so we have put a lot of thought into exactly how we plan on "helping"!

We let the professional Maaco people and contractors assemble everything so far. I mean, they're good at it. We did great finishing off the pizza.

Dad put together the desks and a bunch of other stuff, which we watched carefully. We tested out the reception desk for him, of course. Whatever we can do, you know?

Shad and Aidan have decided to train as "pin-stripers" who will begin in the "detailing" department. Of course, Dad will have to hire someone to fill in for them while they're in school. Camten has graciously accepted the offer to be Dad's right-hand man and help supervise stuff. He'll be busy, but he's ready for it. Trinity likes to work with people and is super friendly, so she'll be helpful in the office, most likely. She hasn't said either way, yet.

Looks like everyone will leave the paperwork to Mom, who likes sitting around pretending like she's being important. We all know she's just playing around, but as long as she stays away from the Xbox, we're ok with it.


Camten and Trinity playing in Dad's office on the delivered floor tiles.

Shad releasing salmon in the Clackamas river with Camten.

Camten and Mom's birthdays. Family, friends and cake and some more family, friends and cake!

Back in November...


November was a great month. Jeremy was back from Philly and he had a big birthday party! Then we had Camten's 5th birthday and mine and Thanksgiving!!! Not to mention the Maaco was getting built faster than fast, finally, and all kinds of fun things happened spontaneously like this tea party.

Unfortunately, my camera busted!! I took it in to get fixed, since I had a warrenty, and it took 6 weeks to get it back. 6 weeks of prime-time photo ops and an old camera to capture it! Well, then my new replacement busted (not funny!) So we're going to zip along right thru December, too, with lots of fuzz and red-eye. Right now I'm ready to smack anyone who even LOOKS at my camera!!!!