Thursday, January 01, 2009

Family Business, by The Kids

We have talked a lot about what each of our jobs is at the Maaco. Dad, we realize, is in charge of... everything. He'll have to open the shop and close it and make sure everyone does what they're supposed to. We're used to getting involved in his business, though, so we have put a lot of thought into exactly how we plan on "helping"!

We let the professional Maaco people and contractors assemble everything so far. I mean, they're good at it. We did great finishing off the pizza.

Dad put together the desks and a bunch of other stuff, which we watched carefully. We tested out the reception desk for him, of course. Whatever we can do, you know?

Shad and Aidan have decided to train as "pin-stripers" who will begin in the "detailing" department. Of course, Dad will have to hire someone to fill in for them while they're in school. Camten has graciously accepted the offer to be Dad's right-hand man and help supervise stuff. He'll be busy, but he's ready for it. Trinity likes to work with people and is super friendly, so she'll be helpful in the office, most likely. She hasn't said either way, yet.

Looks like everyone will leave the paperwork to Mom, who likes sitting around pretending like she's being important. We all know she's just playing around, but as long as she stays away from the Xbox, we're ok with it.

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