Saturday, March 06, 2010


Going to the doctor with mom, two brothers and a sister is a joy Shad was able to experience Thursday after his pinky finger swoll up all black and blue from a basketball game of Knock Out.

To say there was a little climbing, jumping, videoing, fighting, and glove-blowing-up just doesn't capture the full extent of 5 people crammed in a teeny tiny space during dinner time, but it's a start. The grand finale was when the doc showed up and declared an X-ray was needed and then we all enjoyed watching Shad get a splint. He really played the poor-guy to the extreme, but he was excessively teased.

The pictures were mostly shot by Aidan using my camera that has a busted screen, so it's a guess what's being captured. The puppy faced Shad was taken with my new phone. I don't remember if I knew Aidan was videoing the doctor or not. Shad was obviously tired of his theatrics, but that only egged Aidan on. I think I have 20 pictures of this visit. And 8 videos.

Shad still won't admit that he likes the splint or gets any comments at school.

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