But one kitten we accidently grew attached to ourselves. I know it's so important not to let that happen, but FLUFFY was so very fluffy and big and sweet. He would let Trinity carry him around like a baby, wrapping him in blankies. He was so quiet and calm, content to sleep on Jeremy. How could we not keep him?!
AS I write he's passed the "totally cute" stage and progressed to "slightly obnoxious" stage. He sleeps during the day and romps while we try to sleep even attacking our toes under the covers. He often wakes up the kids biting their fingers in play - sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the middle of the night... even Camten on the top bunk. He attacks Penny (especially her one back leg) with unending viciousness of play and she cooperates by complaining loudly in an unending yowl of no real pain or anger that is driving us all crazy.
But he's our Fluff, now, and part of the family.
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