Our totally awesome family and all the cool things we do!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Long Beach End of the World Rod Run
Our 3rd Annual trip... 2nd year to sell a vehicle over the weekend. The show was smaller - result of the economy and maybe the rainfall, which was significant! We love the beach this weekend. Cars can drive out on Long Beach all the way up the peninsula. There's the Show daily with events and judging. They serve some delicious breakfasts and lunches with smoked fish and grilled chicken and so many donuts. :-) Then there's slow drags every night up and down the main road. We stay 'til after nightfall to see the ground effects and flamin' tail pipes. (This picture of the Blazer is from our Cruise in at the Maaco, when we bought it. Jeremy sold it two weeks later at the End of the World. He had intended to show it thru 2011, but there were a lot of emotional connections to the Blazer and mix-ups over ownership... enough that he felt he should put a "For Sale" and let the Blazer start a new life. We were sad to see it go, but it's in very good collector hands.)
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